
Sagnette all’Amatriciana – Traditional Roman-Style Pasta with Guanciale and Tomato Sauce


  • 320 g de Le Sagnette
  • 300 g di pomodori pelati (in stagione 4-5 pomodori rossi maturi)
  • 120 g di guanciale stagionato a fette spesse
  • 50 g circa di pecorino (delicato e non troppo salato) grattugiato
  • 1 peperoncino
  • 1/2 bicchiere di vino bianco secco e acidulo
  • olio extravergine di oliva
  • sale
  • pepe


If using fresh tomatoes, start by blanching them briefly in boiling salted water, drain and cool under running water. Peel them, remove the seeds, and cut into strips.

Heat oil in a pan (ideally an iron skillet) and add the guanciale cut into strips about two inches long. Once it starts to render its fat, add the chili pepper. Brown the guanciale until golden, then splash in the white wine. Let it evaporate, then remove the guanciale and keep it warm.

In the same pan, add either crushed canned tomatoes or your prepared fresh tomatoes. Season with salt and let it cook for as long as your pasta takes to cook, which you should now start in a pot of well-salted boiling water.

When the pasta is almost done, return the guanciale to the sauce and remove the chili pepper. Drain the pasta while still al dente and add it to the pan with the sauce. Take the pan off the heat, stir in the grated Pecorino and finish with freshly ground black pepper to taste.

Give everything a good toss and serve immediately, topping each portion of Sagnette all'Amatriciana with extra Pecorino.

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