
Sagnette with Crushed Fresh Tomato Sauce – Traditional Pugliese Style


  • 11 oz Sagnette pasta
  • 1.1 lbs Pugliese tomatoes
  • Extra virgin olive oil, as needed
  • 1 garlic clove
  • Salt, to taste
  • Red chili flakes, to taste


Wash and thoroughly dry the tomatoes. Don't cut them - they'll burst naturally in the hot oil (that's why they're called "schiattarisciati" or "burst" tomatoes).

Heat extra virgin olive oil in a pan with a garlic clove until it's almost at smoking point. Add the whole tomatoes and immediately cover with a lid. You'll hear the tomatoes start to pop and crackle - shake the pan gently without opening the lid and let them soften for 3-4 minutes.

When the popping subsides, crush the tomatoes with a fork, add the chili flakes and salt, and continue cooking for a few more minutes. Once the tomatoes are cooked to perfection, remove the garlic clove. Toss with the Sagnette pasta and, if desired, finish with a generous grating of cacioricotta cheese.

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